Thursday, July 01, 2004

sometimes i think too much

it's funny...

there are times
that you're head is
just swimming with ideas
just brimming with all of the possibilities...

some of them good,
some of them bad...
you team up a whole lot of "i'm going to's"
with one or two "i won'ts"
plus a couple of "don't even try to make me's"
and one "nuther thing"....

they flip flap around in there
all at some stupid moment
when you might be flip flopping around....

you don't have a pen,
a picture,
or a paper,
nor even the time or a net to capture them,
so you just let them float around freely.

they make you pretty excited.
happily amused,
you chase them around
and play with them a bit...

toss them around back and forth
hoping you can just keep them alive
long enough to find someone to tell them too...

it doesnt' seem like it should require
too much concentration and thought,
but really,
it's a lot to juggle with!

walking and thinking,
taking care of tasks along the way -
it requires quite a bit of coordination.

so much that when you finally have the chance,
someone FINALLY says "what are you thinking about?"
all you can come up with is
"um, nothing..."

funny that with a brain that is full,
free thoughts are still smart enough to find some way to escape.